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I'm Impressed...This NLP Stuff Really Works
I was really stressed out trying to figure how I'll handle all my responsibilities...getting them done on time. Thoughts just began running into each other like a congested highway traffic jam.
How in this hell am I going to get all this done...I know, I know: PRIORITIZE! But that ain't working today! What about meditating? Well, that's the type of thing you do in the privacy of your home, not while you're in the middle of a busy work/school day.
A solution came as I searched the Net for some business-related info that accidentally brought up something I hadn't checked out in a while...NLP --Neuro Liguistic Programming. It's an improved field of psychology that boasts of fixing social,emotional, and various forms of mental problems in less than half the time of ordinary therapy. It has NOTHING to do with you laying on some so-called doctor's coutch expressing your problems for hours with nothing to show for it except a mega-bill.
Well anyway, I tried a couple of their subliminal sound tracks and wouldn't you know mind simply freed itself. I mean I feel like I'm reclinig on a feathery sofa in deep outer space just watching the planets travel! It's not that I no longer have those responsibilities, it's just that it doesn't bother me like it did just a few minutes'll all be taken care of at just the right time --which will manifest on its own. AnyOne reading this definitely has to listen to some of these tracks, so I've included them below:
- Neutralize Jealousy
- Letting Go Of Someone Else
- Slicing Enhancer
- Confidence Booster Improved
- Special Subliminal - Resolving Past Shame
- Fear Of Public Speaking - Improved
- Accept The Chaos Of Life
- Better Body Image
- Minimizing Advertising Influence
- Essential Mind Cleaner
- Super-Charge Your Metabolism
- Assertiveness Training
- Dissolving Social Embarrassment
- Accelerated Learning (Phase #A)
- Super Affirmations
- Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking
- Sleep Better
- Falling Deeper Inlove
- Forgiving Your Parents
- Faster Weight Loss
- Just Be.
- Resolving Inner Conflict
- Neglecting Neglect
- Enhance Focus and Concentration
- Dealing With Negative People
- Wanton Motivation to Exercise
- Heal Your Past
- Increase Your Motivation to Exercise
- Overcome Your Shyness and Social Anxiety
- Increase Your Motivation
- Boost Your Self Confidence
- Tap Into Tony Robbins Personal Power
- Supercharge Your Self Esteem
- Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking
- Boost Your Self Confidence
- Boost Your Self Confidence
By all means, leave a comment and let me know if this was something AnyBodyNeeded!
How in this hell am I going to get all this done...I know, I know: PRIORITIZE! But that ain't working today! What about meditating? Well, that's the type of thing you do in the privacy of your home, not while you're in the middle of a busy work/school day.
A solution came as I searched the Net for some business-related info that accidentally brought up something I hadn't checked out in a while...NLP --Neuro Liguistic Programming. It's an improved field of psychology that boasts of fixing social,emotional, and various forms of mental problems in less than half the time of ordinary therapy. It has NOTHING to do with you laying on some so-called doctor's coutch expressing your problems for hours with nothing to show for it except a mega-bill.
Well anyway, I tried a couple of their subliminal sound tracks and wouldn't you know mind simply freed itself. I mean I feel like I'm reclinig on a feathery sofa in deep outer space just watching the planets travel! It's not that I no longer have those responsibilities, it's just that it doesn't bother me like it did just a few minutes'll all be taken care of at just the right time --which will manifest on its own. AnyOne reading this definitely has to listen to some of these tracks, so I've included them below:
- Neutralize Jealousy
- Letting Go Of Someone Else
- Slicing Enhancer
- Confidence Booster Improved
- Special Subliminal - Resolving Past Shame
- Fear Of Public Speaking - Improved
- Accept The Chaos Of Life
- Better Body Image
- Minimizing Advertising Influence
- Essential Mind Cleaner
- Super-Charge Your Metabolism
- Assertiveness Training
- Dissolving Social Embarrassment
- Accelerated Learning (Phase #A)
- Super Affirmations
- Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking
- Sleep Better
- Falling Deeper Inlove
- Forgiving Your Parents
- Faster Weight Loss
- Just Be.
- Resolving Inner Conflict
- Neglecting Neglect
- Enhance Focus and Concentration
- Dealing With Negative People
- Wanton Motivation to Exercise
- Heal Your Past
- Increase Your Motivation to Exercise
- Overcome Your Shyness and Social Anxiety
- Increase Your Motivation
- Boost Your Self Confidence
- Tap Into Tony Robbins Personal Power
- Supercharge Your Self Esteem
- Conquer Your Fear of Public Speaking
- Boost Your Self Confidence
- Boost Your Self Confidence
By all means, leave a comment and let me know if this was something AnyBodyNeeded!
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