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Back To eBay 101: Finding The Best Bargains Once You've Registered

One simple strategy for getting the best deals on eBay is called "bottom feeding". Rather than bidding the maximum amount you are willing to pay on a single item, low-bid on several different listings. You will lose most of the auctions, but bidding is free, and the few you win will be great deals! This strategy works because there are often many more items for sale on eBay than buyers, and some inevitably fall throught the cracks. Power search tools like that find typos and alternate spellings complement this strategy well, as listings which are misspelled are more likely to go unnoticed. Good luck and happy bidding!

In case you haven't registered with eBay yet,don't worry,it's ABSOLUTELY SAFE& FREE and you can do it from this same page.

It's easy to register on eBay, just a simple, typical form asking for your mailing and email information, credit card information, a personal *eBay ID and password of your choosing.

There is another option if you don't wish to provide credit card information. If you are not providing a credit card number, eBay will ask for an additional, secondary email address to be added to the account. The second email address must be from an established Internet Service Provider such as AOL or Earthlink. The second email address can also be from a company, organization or a school.

eBay then sends a confirmation note to the email address just registered (or the secondary address if a credit card is not used) and clicking on the link in the confirmation email takes you to the page completing the registration. You're ready to start on the eBay Adventure.
*USER ID A unique nickname that will be used for buying and selling. The name can be changed at any time, but only once every thirty days.

Just click the "REGISTER" tab at the top of the eBay Search Portal located on this site or simply click on the box below to begin:

Quick Tip: For AnyThing that can be delivered in a digital or electronic format such as ebooks,software,etc. use the search engine at the top right of this site...just enter a term, click search, then select the "e-products" option.

Rita On My Mind

I posted about how hurricane Katrina has affected my hometown Port Arthur,Tx and then Rita came...these days are truly filled with great obstacles.

Because of the massive devastation Rita did to P.A. I have been forced to relocate to Houston. Thankfully,my family members nor I was hurt...only our material possessions which of course can easily be replaced.

I'm seriously considering making Houston my new home;afterall,I was born here and even lived here on my own after I graduated from high school and now that I've been back for a while I really don't want to leave. Why? Because EveryThingINeed is here!

Houston is the 4th largest city...duh!

Having an internet-based business makes it even easier to relocate...I mean all I NEED is a computer or some other device that logs on to the internet and I'm back in business without missing a beat. If you'd like to start an online business immediately goto The Netrepreneur's Blog and learn all you can learn.

I've noticed many other P.A. residents out here in Houston as well. They all seem to be trying a new start in life here...and to believe many of these same folks didn't really "feel" the Katrina victims when they were forced to relocate to Port Arthur. I guess life will forever be filled with loads of irony.

I can only thank GOD my family and I are in one piece and I also thank HIM for maintaining my individual sanity throughout this madness.

When Rita started to head our way we drove as far northwest as we could until we reached what instinctively seemed to be a safehaven--Palestine,Tx. What a name when you compare it to the mid-east war-torn was actually quite the opposite where we were treated with great compassion. May GOD bless Palestine!

So everything's ALL can still use this site to find AnyThingYouNeed in life...Search&Enjoy!

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