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Unclaimed Money Could Be Waiting For You To Claim It
How Much Are You Owed?
I thought you might find this report on unclaimed governement money useful. It's provided courtesy of is an independent property locator service working hard to return unclaimed property to it's rightful owners. We have located over $800 Million in unclaimed accounts belonging to over 5 Million people.
It is estimated that 9 in 10 Americans are owed cash that sits unclaimed year after year. So, it's quite likely that some of this money belongs to you or someone you know.
Who is holding this unclaimed money?
The money we locate is being held by one or more of many different institutions. their research has uncovered millions of unclaimed dollars owed to individuals in:
forgotten savings and checking accounts, uncashed checks, securities
dividends, insurance refunds or claims, oil royalties, wages, utility refunds/deposits, bail bonds, child support payments
The list goes on and on...
Also, hundreds of thousands of people are owed money as an heir to an inheritance that they didn't even know about!
To find out if you might be owed money right now:
Click Here To Find Out
Why is the money "unclaimed"?
For one reason or another the financial institution holding the funds has been unable to locate the rightful owners to return the money. So, literally billions of dollars sit in unclaimed accounts across the nation year after year.
For instance, have you ever:
Moved without checking to be sure everyone you do business with knew your new address? Moved without getting your utility deposit refund?
Opened a school savings account as a child or for your own child and then forgot about it?
Forgot to cash a health insurance check?
Forgot to cash interest or dividend checks on a security?
Left a job and never gone back to get your last paycheck?
Failed to notify companies who owe you money that you have moved?
This list covers only a small number of the possible reasons why you may be owed money!
Find out if you might be owed money right now:
Click Here To Find Out
What we provide...
We have compiled a database of millions of people owed money. If your name is in their database, there is a good chance you have money owed to you. The only way to be 100% certain whether the money is yours is to submit a claim!
You can perform a trial search of this database to find out if there is any money that might belong to you. If you find that there may be money owed you, you can purchase their service to receive unlimited instant access to all of the records in their database for 30 days. The records will include the name, phone number and location of the institution(s) holding the money as well as the instructions you will need to claim the money!
their fees...
It's always free for their trial search feature.
For full unrestricted access to the name, phone number and location of the institution(s) holding the money we charge a small reasonable fee to help cover their expenses. The processing fee is normally $12.99 for just one name search. However, for a very limited time, we have lowered the processing fee to $12.99 for unlimited searches for 30 days. Depending on how many searches you perform, you could pay just pennies per search.
You can use your unlimited searches to find money owed to friends, family and co-workers. Once you sign up, you are free to do anything you wish with the records you access.
To get unlimited access:
Click Here To Find Out
Or you can use the trial search from their home page:

I thought you might find this report on unclaimed governement money useful. It's provided courtesy of is an independent property locator service working hard to return unclaimed property to it's rightful owners. We have located over $800 Million in unclaimed accounts belonging to over 5 Million people.
It is estimated that 9 in 10 Americans are owed cash that sits unclaimed year after year. So, it's quite likely that some of this money belongs to you or someone you know.
Who is holding this unclaimed money?
The money we locate is being held by one or more of many different institutions. their research has uncovered millions of unclaimed dollars owed to individuals in:
forgotten savings and checking accounts, uncashed checks, securities
dividends, insurance refunds or claims, oil royalties, wages, utility refunds/deposits, bail bonds, child support payments
The list goes on and on...
Also, hundreds of thousands of people are owed money as an heir to an inheritance that they didn't even know about!
To find out if you might be owed money right now:
Click Here To Find Out
Why is the money "unclaimed"?
For one reason or another the financial institution holding the funds has been unable to locate the rightful owners to return the money. So, literally billions of dollars sit in unclaimed accounts across the nation year after year.
For instance, have you ever:
Moved without checking to be sure everyone you do business with knew your new address? Moved without getting your utility deposit refund?
Opened a school savings account as a child or for your own child and then forgot about it?
Forgot to cash a health insurance check?
Forgot to cash interest or dividend checks on a security?
Left a job and never gone back to get your last paycheck?
Failed to notify companies who owe you money that you have moved?
This list covers only a small number of the possible reasons why you may be owed money!
Find out if you might be owed money right now:
Click Here To Find Out
What we provide...
We have compiled a database of millions of people owed money. If your name is in their database, there is a good chance you have money owed to you. The only way to be 100% certain whether the money is yours is to submit a claim!
You can perform a trial search of this database to find out if there is any money that might belong to you. If you find that there may be money owed you, you can purchase their service to receive unlimited instant access to all of the records in their database for 30 days. The records will include the name, phone number and location of the institution(s) holding the money as well as the instructions you will need to claim the money!
their fees...
It's always free for their trial search feature.
For full unrestricted access to the name, phone number and location of the institution(s) holding the money we charge a small reasonable fee to help cover their expenses. The processing fee is normally $12.99 for just one name search. However, for a very limited time, we have lowered the processing fee to $12.99 for unlimited searches for 30 days. Depending on how many searches you perform, you could pay just pennies per search.
You can use your unlimited searches to find money owed to friends, family and co-workers. Once you sign up, you are free to do anything you wish with the records you access.
To get unlimited access:
Click Here To Find Out
Or you can use the trial search from their home page:
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