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Online Grocery Shopping: Way To Go?, Susan Koeppen Tests Four Of The Bigger Services - CBS News
Online Grocery Shopping: Way To Go?, Susan Koeppen Tests Four Of The Bigger Services - CBS News: "On The Early Show Friday, consumer correspondent Susan Koeppen came through with the scoop on buying food the high-tech way.
She says the millions of consumers who do their grocery shopping online are expected to spend more than $4 billion on it this year.
Among them, Gennifer Calise, a working Manhattan mother of a ten-month-old, who summed up her reasons for going that route when she told Koeppen it's 'quicker and easier.' "
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She says the millions of consumers who do their grocery shopping online are expected to spend more than $4 billion on it this year.
Among them, Gennifer Calise, a working Manhattan mother of a ten-month-old, who summed up her reasons for going that route when she told Koeppen it's 'quicker and easier.' "
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