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Press Release:Local Netrepreneur Competes With Central Mall
Local Port Arthur resident William Caleb Rodgers has grown fed up with what he describes as the "shortcomings of Central Mall". "There isn't any variety,"says Caleb. "People find out what the latest products,merchandise,and fashion trends are,then drive as far as Houston just to get it because nine times out of ten the local mall just doesn't have it.""And even if the local mall did have what we want -because inventory is so scarce- we'd end up paying far more than what we'd pay in Houston or other areas."
Caleb's solution: open a more efficient mall. A mall that consistently stays on top of the most current products,merchandise, and fashions. A mall that keeps you up to date on what's going on globally with the most current World News headlines and info-products available. A mall with affordable pricing,vast employment and money-making opportunities, and stays open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Last,but not least,a mall that you DON'T ever have to drive to.
Where can such a mall be found... right NOW! Caleb claims the WezeeMall literally has just about anything you need like software,books on any subject,tvs,tools,high fashion apparel,music,health/self-help products,computers,toys,mp3players,pda's,video and casino game systems,automotive vehicles of any type,any electronic gadget you can think of, and much more. Shoppers are also able to write their own comments to the intriguing articles posted, but perhaps the most outstanding feature is the fact you don't have to move an inch!
Any Thing is here this blog you'll find what you need...feel free to comment on the posts you read and subscribe to AnyThing as a daily feed!
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Caleb's solution: open a more efficient mall. A mall that consistently stays on top of the most current products,merchandise, and fashions. A mall that keeps you up to date on what's going on globally with the most current World News headlines and info-products available. A mall with affordable pricing,vast employment and money-making opportunities, and stays open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Last,but not least,a mall that you DON'T ever have to drive to.
Where can such a mall be found... right NOW! Caleb claims the WezeeMall literally has just about anything you need like software,books on any subject,tvs,tools,high fashion apparel,music,health/self-help products,computers,toys,mp3players,pda's,video and casino game systems,automotive vehicles of any type,any electronic gadget you can think of, and much more. Shoppers are also able to write their own comments to the intriguing articles posted, but perhaps the most outstanding feature is the fact you don't have to move an inch!
Any Thing is here this blog you'll find what you need...feel free to comment on the posts you read and subscribe to AnyThing as a daily feed!
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