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eBay 101
Part 1: How eBay Works.
It started in 1995, when Pierre Omidyar and his wife decided to trade Pez candy dispensers and other small goods using the Internet. Pierre founded a web site, eBay (with a lower-case "e") where traders could meet to sell their goods to other collectors, all within an environment of professional trust.
Within 9 years, has grown into the largest and most successful online business model in history. Today, tens of millions of people converge daily at and to buy and sell millions of dollars in new and used merchandise.
From simple products like old Monopoly games and used Elvis records, to wholesale electronics and digital cameras, all the way up to exotic motor vehicles and real estate, eBay has become the global trading platform for the everyday person.
The eBay business model is magnificently simple: provide a safe and motivating online marketplace where anyone can gather to trade products with confidence. Charge people a small fee to sell their wares, and enforce safety and trust for everyone.
At its base level, eBay works exactly like an electronic "flea market":
1) eBay sellers pay a small flat fee plus a 1.5% percentage fee to eBay in order to market their wares
2) eBay buyers visit and use the marketplace without any surcharges
3) Any parties that abuse the system or each other will be disciplined or ejected.
At a higher level, eBay is different from a regular flea market for ten reasons:
1) The eBay marketplace is international, and crosses language and national boundaries
2) The massive choice of goods is awe-inspiring
3) Sales can either be auction format (competitions between bidders), or traditional fixed price format. The sellers choose whichever format they prefer
4) The buyers and sellers will likely never meet in person
5) The buyers do not get to see the product in person before purchase, but are given various post-purchase guarantees to ensure satisfaction
6) Very sophisticated computer measures are implemented to minimize electronic dishonesty on all sides
7) Fulltime staff are employed to enforce safety and fairness across the system
8) An honesty incentive model called "positive feedback" is used to motivate buyers and sellers to trade with integrity
9) Professional third parties payment services, like Paypal, Bidpay, and, are brought in to ensure safe and trusted payment between eBayers
10) eBay is easier to use than a flea market.
By:Paul Gill
Ebay is definitely one of the best sites on the internet by far, so its inclusion as a Search Portal on this site was essential in order to help you find AnyThingYouNeed! The eProducts search engine on this site has the latest downloadable eproducts and money-making opportunities sweeping the net. To get a copy of your favorite movie,song,video game,or even television show try Wezee's Burner
Search& Enjoy!
It started in 1995, when Pierre Omidyar and his wife decided to trade Pez candy dispensers and other small goods using the Internet. Pierre founded a web site, eBay (with a lower-case "e") where traders could meet to sell their goods to other collectors, all within an environment of professional trust.
Within 9 years, has grown into the largest and most successful online business model in history. Today, tens of millions of people converge daily at and to buy and sell millions of dollars in new and used merchandise.
From simple products like old Monopoly games and used Elvis records, to wholesale electronics and digital cameras, all the way up to exotic motor vehicles and real estate, eBay has become the global trading platform for the everyday person.
The eBay business model is magnificently simple: provide a safe and motivating online marketplace where anyone can gather to trade products with confidence. Charge people a small fee to sell their wares, and enforce safety and trust for everyone.
At its base level, eBay works exactly like an electronic "flea market":
1) eBay sellers pay a small flat fee plus a 1.5% percentage fee to eBay in order to market their wares
2) eBay buyers visit and use the marketplace without any surcharges
3) Any parties that abuse the system or each other will be disciplined or ejected.
At a higher level, eBay is different from a regular flea market for ten reasons:
1) The eBay marketplace is international, and crosses language and national boundaries
2) The massive choice of goods is awe-inspiring
3) Sales can either be auction format (competitions between bidders), or traditional fixed price format. The sellers choose whichever format they prefer
4) The buyers and sellers will likely never meet in person
5) The buyers do not get to see the product in person before purchase, but are given various post-purchase guarantees to ensure satisfaction
6) Very sophisticated computer measures are implemented to minimize electronic dishonesty on all sides
7) Fulltime staff are employed to enforce safety and fairness across the system
8) An honesty incentive model called "positive feedback" is used to motivate buyers and sellers to trade with integrity
9) Professional third parties payment services, like Paypal, Bidpay, and, are brought in to ensure safe and trusted payment between eBayers
10) eBay is easier to use than a flea market.
By:Paul Gill
Ebay is definitely one of the best sites on the internet by far, so its inclusion as a Search Portal on this site was essential in order to help you find AnyThingYouNeed! The eProducts search engine on this site has the latest downloadable eproducts and money-making opportunities sweeping the net. To get a copy of your favorite movie,song,video game,or even television show try Wezee's Burner
Search& Enjoy!
Labels: ebay history, how ebay started
Slack Economy Fuels Ebay Shopping
The following is an article I came acrossthat shows one of the many reasons why you should use Ebay:
With the current economic outlook appearing fairly bleakfor many individuals and businesses, most feel the need tomake every dollar count.
But, no matter how bad the economy does or doesn't get forevery one of us, one fact remains a constant of humannature: People love a bargain!
This fact came home quite clearly to me last week when Iused eBay to turn an expensive business purchase into analmost guilty buying pleasure.
I needed to purchase a very specialized piece of equipmentfor my home office called a "Mimio Board." It converts astandard "white board" you draw on with erasable markersinto a digital board you use with your PC. In short,everything you draw on the board shows up in the computer.
I really wanted this equipment, much like a 5-year oldchild really wants a new bike! Unfortunately, a new "MimioBoard" cost $400 minimum. But, unlike the 5-year old whostamps his foot and screams "no fair", I did somethingabout it. I went to eBay!
I did a quick search for "mimio" in hope of finding a usedmodel at a reduced price. Much to my surprise I didn't finda used one, but I did find a brand new one still in the boxand available at over 75% off!
It seemed such a great deal that I actually felt a bitskeptical and thought I smelled a "scam." But, like the 5-year old, I really wanted that bike, I mean "mimio board!"
So I enlisted the aid of a professional "eBay Power Buyer"with many years' experience (my wife) to help me evaluatethe deal and whether or not to go for it.
As a veteran of hundreds of successful transactions, shegave me this eBay buying advice, which I now pass to you,my new bargain hunting friend:
Check Feedback - Every seller receives public feedback frompast buyers. Carefully check this feedback and pay specialattention to any negative comments. Look for trends andvolume of negative comments. You should avoid sellers withlots of negative feedback, especially recent bad behaviorindicating a decline in service.
Check Descriptions - Carefully read the item description tomake sure it's exactly what you expect to receive. Look forany guarantees and always ask the seller questions beforebidding. You can email the seller for a particular auctionright from the item page.
Shipping Charges & Insurance - Before bidding, find outexactly how much it costs to ship an item to ensure theseller doesn't inflate the shipping charges to add profit.Though you must pay for it, always insist on shippinginsurance for one-of-a-kind, fragile or expensive items.
Payment - Make sure you know how the seller accepts paymentand how it affects product delivery time. Some sellerswon't ship your product until after your check clears.
Overall, eBay makes a great place to find bargains for bothhome and business if you shop carefully and use commonsense to avoid any obvious pitfalls.
(c)Jim Edwards -all rights reserved
So even when the economy is doing bad,it's still better to use Ebay! To begin using Ebay immediately simply use my Ebay Search Portal above and don't forget to register first if you haven't done so yet. Just select the "register" tab at the top of the Ebay Search Portal--it's FREE!
With the current economic outlook appearing fairly bleakfor many individuals and businesses, most feel the need tomake every dollar count.
But, no matter how bad the economy does or doesn't get forevery one of us, one fact remains a constant of humannature: People love a bargain!
This fact came home quite clearly to me last week when Iused eBay to turn an expensive business purchase into analmost guilty buying pleasure.
I needed to purchase a very specialized piece of equipmentfor my home office called a "Mimio Board." It converts astandard "white board" you draw on with erasable markersinto a digital board you use with your PC. In short,everything you draw on the board shows up in the computer.
I really wanted this equipment, much like a 5-year oldchild really wants a new bike! Unfortunately, a new "MimioBoard" cost $400 minimum. But, unlike the 5-year old whostamps his foot and screams "no fair", I did somethingabout it. I went to eBay!
I did a quick search for "mimio" in hope of finding a usedmodel at a reduced price. Much to my surprise I didn't finda used one, but I did find a brand new one still in the boxand available at over 75% off!
It seemed such a great deal that I actually felt a bitskeptical and thought I smelled a "scam." But, like the 5-year old, I really wanted that bike, I mean "mimio board!"
So I enlisted the aid of a professional "eBay Power Buyer"with many years' experience (my wife) to help me evaluatethe deal and whether or not to go for it.
As a veteran of hundreds of successful transactions, shegave me this eBay buying advice, which I now pass to you,my new bargain hunting friend:
Check Feedback - Every seller receives public feedback frompast buyers. Carefully check this feedback and pay specialattention to any negative comments. Look for trends andvolume of negative comments. You should avoid sellers withlots of negative feedback, especially recent bad behaviorindicating a decline in service.
Check Descriptions - Carefully read the item description tomake sure it's exactly what you expect to receive. Look forany guarantees and always ask the seller questions beforebidding. You can email the seller for a particular auctionright from the item page.
Shipping Charges & Insurance - Before bidding, find outexactly how much it costs to ship an item to ensure theseller doesn't inflate the shipping charges to add profit.Though you must pay for it, always insist on shippinginsurance for one-of-a-kind, fragile or expensive items.
Payment - Make sure you know how the seller accepts paymentand how it affects product delivery time. Some sellerswon't ship your product until after your check clears.
Overall, eBay makes a great place to find bargains for bothhome and business if you shop carefully and use commonsense to avoid any obvious pitfalls.
(c)Jim Edwards -all rights reserved
So even when the economy is doing bad,it's still better to use Ebay! To begin using Ebay immediately simply use my Ebay Search Portal above and don't forget to register first if you haven't done so yet. Just select the "register" tab at the top of the Ebay Search Portal--it's FREE!
What Is An Eproduct?
Many people still don't know the answer to this I thought I'd break it down.
Simply eproduct is ANY product that has to be downloaded from a webpage or computer file in order for you to use it. They're also known as infoproducts or digital products. Ebooks are also considered as eproducts.
The fact that eproducts are downloaded instantly makes them extremely convenient. This is essentially what an eproduct aims to do...provide convenience for just about ANY area in your life.
Just browse the "QuickSearch" menu to the right and you'll see what I mean.
You're guaranteed to find SomeThingYouNeed...Search& Enjoy!
Simply eproduct is ANY product that has to be downloaded from a webpage or computer file in order for you to use it. They're also known as infoproducts or digital products. Ebooks are also considered as eproducts.
The fact that eproducts are downloaded instantly makes them extremely convenient. This is essentially what an eproduct aims to do...provide convenience for just about ANY area in your life.
Just browse the "QuickSearch" menu to the right and you'll see what I mean.
You're guaranteed to find SomeThingYouNeed...Search& Enjoy!

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